Thursday, October 20, 2011

What I've Been Doing With My iPhone 4S

I'd blog about my real life, but it's nowhere near as entertaining.


  1. That is hilarious! And maybe a little scary!! :)


    Super jealous of the iPhone 4s. I still have the plain old black original iPhone 4.

  2. I had the iPhone 3GS - so this is a huge step up for me!

    I was just thinking about how awesome it would be if there was an NFP app. I do have a period charting one that has NFP elements to it though.

    My life would be so simple without Apple :)

  3. I've heard there are some NFP apps, I've never used them though. My charting app is my husband. :)

    Oh, I can't even imagine my life without Apple. Also, have you seen the Siri and Me tumlbr. It's hilarious!
