Saturday, October 1, 2011

7 Quick Takes

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 138)
I'm always a day late and a dollar short with quick takes, but I find this template to be the best way for me to sum up what's been going on in my life. I just can't seem to make it happen on Fridays!

— 1 —
Brian started school again and is teaching Writing 2 at UCSB. He lovingly refers to these wide-eyed freshman as his children and he takes great pride in teaching them. I'm so proud of him and his accomplishments, and as an added bonus I get to see him in dress slacks, dress shirt, and tie twice a week. What a handsome guy!

— 2 —
I enjoyed a rare night out with the girls from work on Monday - we went wine tasting at the Canary Hotel rooftop in downtown Santa Barbara. $20 bucks gets you four tastings of wine, fruit, crackers, and cheese galore. We had some good laughs and then decided to head down to a taco bar and have our fill. All in all it was a good night, even if those tacos were way overpriced. I've also hit my alcohol quota for the rest of the year - I can't remember the last time I had a drink.

— 3 —
Do I really need to start this again?
 But if I keep looking in the mirror at myself I might have to start drinking on a more regular basis. I am going to be 24 years old next month - why in the world do I still have teenage acne!? This is ridiculous. In the last two years I've finally started to look my age and now I'm back to looking like I'm 17 again. Dear face - seriously, you need to stop. Thanks.

— 4 —
It's a little like this.
 Speaking of needing a drink (I see a trend here) I had my Annual Review at work on Friday. It's a little like subjecting yourself to torture in the hopes that there will be a reward. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Anyway, I'm glad it's behind me and I can MOVE ON. You know, as soon as the nightmares pass.

— 5 —

So Amazon released their Kindle Fire this week. Great, thanks Amazon. Like I'm not addicted to buying stuff from you enough, now I've got to shell out $200 for a ridiculously awesome tablet. You know why they named it Fire? Because it's burning a hole in my pocket. Then again, it's a lot less than investing in an iPad (by the way Steve Jobs, where is my iPhone 5?).

— 6 —
So I recently discovered TOMS. I'd seen the shoes around but didn't know there was this whole hippie movement. When I started looking online and discovered that they give a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair that you buy, I was a quick sell. The shoes are super cute, comfy, and go with just about anything. They use sustainable materials and some of their shoes are even vegan. I purchased the Snow Leopard Classics and have already gotten a ton of compliments on them. These Bottle Green Cords are next on my list - they look perfect for fall!

— 7 —
Can I just take a moment to express how much I want to be a stay at home mom? I know some women are career driven and have passions outside of the home, but my passion has and always will be children. I've wanted to be a mom since I was a little girl, and proudly proclaimed at age 11 that I would have at least 4 kids (my mom still laughs about this). I want so much to be able to stay home, cook dinners, bake bread, sew, craft, cuddle babies, and raise children. I want to see my husband off to work every day and give him a kiss. I want the house to be clean and refreshing when he gets home. I want to bathe my babies in the sink and play with them on the grass. And while I know we're getting closer to that dream, right now it feels so far away.

Alright, there's my serious moment for the day. Hope I didn't scare anyone!

Please head over to Conversion Diary to get your fill of 7 Quick Takes and discover great blogs!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about always being a day late and a dollar short. I'm the same way! :) My quick takes probably wouldn't be done until Monday if I weren't the host.

    Also, thanks for the reminder that I should be grateful to be able to stay home. Sometimes when things get hectic it's easy to forget what a blessing that is.

    Thanks for participating!
