Sunday, May 8, 2011

SB Fair and Expo

Brian and I had a fun time at the fair last week. Having grown up in a big city and never gone to a proper fair, I have relished going to this every year. I love the animals, the food, the dancing, the bands, the sales, etc. Brian and I enjoy looking at all the prizes in the exhibit hall. I'm determined to enter the crochet exhibit next year, and possibly the canned food as well!

My new best friend. For some reason none of the other animals would eat out of my hand, but this guy gobbled down the pellets! And he was fluffy.

Brian's eyes teared up at the sight of the elusive Death Star Lego set. Maybe if he's a good boy Santa will bring him one next year. :)

I've decided I don't want nine kids.

Alaskan pig racing! Boy was this way more fun than I thought it would be.

Look at that! Pigs can fly!

We spotted this guy on the way back from the fair (yes, I walked two miles. Mark the day because it will never happen again). I had no idea what it was. Brian thinks it's a gopher...but I thought gophers were big and furry like the one in Caddyshack?

Sunset walking home.

Very strange flower we found near the golf course. This was the only one that had bloomed...Brian called it the Ascension flower because it only blooms around Easter. Not being a plant person, I have no way of confirming this.

Close up...can you see the ants?

I bought Brian a pizza stone for his birthday. Here is out first attempt! It was a little too doughy and I thought there was too much cheese, but Brian was immensely proud of himself and we can't wait to try it again.

Hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day! By this time next year I hope to be doing some celebrating of my own, God willing!

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