Thursday, February 4, 2010

Calico Ghost Town

This past weekend my family and Brian (minus Mom) went camping with the Wolfs and extended family to celebrate Bad Grandpa's 80th Birthday. His great grandchildren coined that nickname and I think it's great. He's a trickster and practical joker so the whole weekend was basically about getting back at him. He got whip cream in his face, water balloons, and silly string! Not your typical 80th birthday, huh?

I went to Calico a lot when I was little, and Brian had been once before but didn't really remember anything. We had a good time seeing the sights. Here they are:

The entrance to the town. You can see Calico on the hill.

Brian and I being silly.

One of my favorites, the glass bottle house!

The old school house.

An overall view of the town.

Maggie's Mine, which Brian and I went into.

Brian's favorite picture! Here I am in the Chinese Bath Tub not ready to have my picture taken haha. Apparently there's a picture of me, Christian, and Jessica in it when we are little. I barely fit in it now!

Calico Cemetery - I didn't go because I was asleep. Hmph.

The train! Brian and I rode it - seemed a lot faster when I was a kid.

Well, that's it! We had a lot of fun exploring the town and even did some shopping. I bought an arrowhead, a magnet, and Brian bought me a jar candle from the Calico candle shop. We left Sunday afternoon, and the next morning Brian and I drove up to Santa Barbara so he could get some paperwork done and meet with Marcuse. We also caught up with friends and had a nice dinner at a Japanese restaurant. A very enjoyable weekend!

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