Tuesday, June 4, 2013

5 Months Old

I'm really beginning to enjoy this stage of his development - playing with toys, engaging with us, and laughing. I feel like the first few months, especially months 1-4 were so stressful. Every night around 6pm James would melt down and it just felt like hours of crying until he finally went to sleep around 10. Now that the colic is finally behind us I feel like I can breathe again.

Some things that have been new: James is now facing out in his stroller and loves to go for walks. He's always wanted to be held facing out since he was a few weeks old so this is really exciting for him. He looks at everything and "talks" sometimes. Such a social baby! We also moved him from his infant car seat to a convertible seat and OH MY GOODNESS car rides are suddenly enjoyable. It's been night and day. He used to scream and arch his back as soon as we sat him in the bucket seat, before we even got the straps on! Now he's a big boy and can see everything! I just can't believe how much of a change it's made for us.

James can sit up with assistance. Sometimes all he needs is too be balanced between my legs and he does the rest. We are using his high chair now and we've sampled some solid foods. Avocado was his very first solid food! It was so much fun, and wow, did he need a bath afterwards. He's also had sweet potatoes (yum) and peas (he wasn't too thrilled). He's learning new things everyday and I'm trying to soak it all in - cant believe how far we've come!

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