Ready for my close up! |
James' four (FOUR) new top teeth are in. It was really, really rough. I mean, I'm sure it wasn't great for him either, but man oh man I was ready to pull my hair out. With his bottom teeth we didn't have nearly the same drama - but he wasn't getting both at the same time. So yeah. It sucked. I am not normally a medication person when it comes to pain relief, but I finally gave in to Motrin for the worst nights. Motrin is your friend.

We had our first date night on our 3 year anniversary - September 18 (so I guess this would fall under the 8 month post, but just roll with me here). My parents came up and watched James while we went out to dinner and then walked around at the mall. I think we were gone for a total of 2 hours (maybe it was only 1.5) and I probably checked my phone every 5 minutes. I knew he was fine, but I was a little nervous leaving him since he doesn't take a bottle. But he was fine, and my parents had a great time with their grandson. And Brian and I had a lovely date night! Happy 3 years my dear!
swag swag swag |
I got to go to Mommycon LA as a VIP for my early birthday present. So we all drove down to the LA Convention Center on Oct 5, and James and I made a day of it while Daddy went to visit his mom. I got the VIP ticket because I heard we would be getting free stuff, and I wanted to meet the speakers, but I had no idea it would be so much stuff! We spent the night at Brian's mom's house and then we all went to the general admission day on Sunday. We set the babywearing world record! Overall it was worth it, although pretty exhausting. My favorite was hearing Jessica of The Leaky Boob speak (so inspiring), and meeting Jillian of Paxbaby. And the rumors are finally confirmed...Jillian is a Catholic convert. :)
Jillian of Paxbaby.com - babywearing guru and Catholic mom to 7! |
January of Birth Without Fear |
We had our 9 month pediatrician visit. That was crap, for lack of a better word. The nurse weighed him, told us he was underweight, and that the doctor would probably recommend supplementing. I asked her what chart she was using (it had a giant advertisement for Enfamil on it, so I already knew) and she had no idea. Then when the doctor came in - it wasn't our doctor! He didn't introduce himself or explain, and finally I said "I don't think we've met you before" and then he explained that our pediatrician had retired. Um...WHAT? Thanks for the notice! It pretty much went downhill from there. The ped didn't even look at James before going into his "low weight" speech, telling me he should be sleeping through the night in his own crib, and that it was time to night wean him. What. The. Eff.
Needless to say we scrapped that guy and found a new pediatrician who is a TON better. She isn't concerned with his weight at all. First of all, he IS on the WHO growth chart (which is for breastfed babies - who tend to be leaner as they get older). And he's just proportionally small, but she said that's totally fine. He's obviously healthy and meeting milestones.
James and his big head...uh, I mean brain |
The only "issue" is that he still isn't crawling, and lately he hasn't wanted to stand either. She thinks it might be because he's so used to jumping in his jumperoo, so he associates standing with bouncing, therefore picks his legs up when we try to get him to stand. So we are putting the jumperoo away for the time being and doing more tummy time and using an exercise ball (her recommendation). Still though, she said some babies are just later than others, and she wouldn't worry about it or recommend any physical therapy unless he still wasn't crawling at a year.
So, that's where we are for now!