Saturday, September 10, 2011

Guest Post

Well, I reached outside the comfort zone of my own little blog, and did a guest post for Mandi at Catholic Newlywed. I am so thankful for the opportunity and very happy to be able to contribute to her On Marrying Young series. You can view my guest post here:

Thank you so much Mandi!


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post, Rachel! I'm glad to have been introduced to another great blog. It sounds like you and your husband have a beautiful marriage! My husband is a grad student, too, also planning to graduate in spring -- WOO!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! It has been so awesome to find married women with graduate husbands! I totally thought I was the only one haha.

  3. So, this is a really late comment, but I just read your guest post on Mandi's blog. It caught my eye because my little sister recently married into a significant age gap. But, get this: she is four years older than her husband. They started dating as soon as he finished high school and as she was graduating college! They married last year before he finished his bachelor's. He's also working on his PhD now. Anyway, your story made me think her. (she blogs over at )
