Monday, August 13, 2012

Gender Revealed!?

The big day is almost here! On Wednesday we will be finding out the gender of our baby bean. In honor of this special occasion, I've decided to list out the old wives' tales about predicting gender, and see if anyone wants to guess what we are having. :) Here are the clues!

Carrying low (boy) or high (girl)? Low, BOY.

Does baby have a heartbeat over 140 (girl) or below 140 (boy)? Above 140 - I think - she hasn't measured it since week 8. GIRL.

Is Dad gaining sympathy weight (if yes - girl)? Yes, GIRL.

Mayan Calendar predictor (The Mayan tale says that if you add the mothers age at conception and the year of conception, and it's an even number then you're having a girl. If the result is odd then it's a boy). Age at conception (24) + year of conception (2012) = 2036. GIRL.

Big, thunder thighs (boy) or lean legs (girl)? Thunder thighs, BOY.

Chinese Gender Chart: BOY.
Woman's Birth Year: 1987 Month: 11 Day: 4 Time Zone: PST
Conception Year: 2012 Month: 4 Day: 16 Time Zone: PST
It's a boy! (Chinese Age 26 at Lunar month 3)

Has the hair on your legs been growing at record speed (Yes - boy)? BOY.

Super excited, and can't wait for Wednesday. Good luck guessing!


  1. I'm going to say boy. can't wait to see the result!

  2. mmmm ... I don't care but I think a girl, the family is due for a slew of girls.

  3. I think girl. The heartbeat has been right on for all the little ones we've known in the past year! Can't wait to hear!
