Monday, November 28, 2011


I'm going to be honest - I've had a real hard time finding things to be thankful for in the past couple of months. Since I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis [link warning: includes descriptions and pictures that are not for the faint of heart or squeamish], returned to a stressful job full time after many months sick at home, and made not one or two, but THREE medication changes...well, let's just say it's hard to be thankful when your sick.

But I'm still here. And I'm thankful for that, and more:

Pumpkins for Otters at our Zoo

Beautiful, full lakes

Unexpected visitors

Hilariously ironic wildlife (Wild Turkeys on Thanksgiving)

Sushi dates with my husband

I'm sorry I'm not around as much as I used to be. I still enjoy reading all your blogs and try to comment occasionally. I hope your holidays have been full of joy and thankfulness!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are still able to find things to be thankful for - I know that a chronic illness can be defeating (not from personal experience, but from watching loved ones go through it). I'll be praying that you will begin to feel an improvement in health.

    By the way, that sushi looks SO good. I haven't had any while pregnant (I don't think it's really as dangerous as people say - women in Japan eat sushi throughout pregnancy and are just fine - but my husband would not let me get anywhere near it). I am looking forward to sushi after the baby is born!
