Sunday, July 18, 2010

Where Does the Time Go?

So much has happened in the past month - I actually can't believe I haven't written in so long. I have a lot to catch up on. Originally I thought I would just give each event it's own post, but I honestly just can't see myself doing that right now. I will try to summarize what has gone on in the past month.
On June 10, Brian passed his final exams for his Ph.D.!!! Here he is all dressed up on his big day. I'm so proud of him for sticking with it and trying his best.

I hit 100,000 miles on my car. Go me!

We visited my great aunt Karen and uncle Tom in Ojai, CA and spent some time with her new horse Molly.

Our first Santa Barbara festival since moving up here was Summer Solstice, which is based off of Carnival in Brazil. Brian was a little overwhelmed with all the craziness, but overall we had a good time.

I had my dress fitting on July 3, where I spent approximately 40 minutes waiting for the seamstress, but only 10 minutes in my dress. Which I guess is a good things, since it fit perfectly.

We spent July 4th at my godparent's house and at Tim and Dorsie's new house in Lakewood.

We brought our cats up with us finally to our apartment. It has been a transition, with Cinder meowing pretty frequently when we leave the room. We are working on disciplining him with a spray water bottle.

July 9-11 was spent in the mountains of Santa Barbara at Engaged Encounter, which is a requirement for us to get married. Basically it's the Catholic Church's way of making sure you really want to get married, because no normal person would sign up for this. You show up at 7:30pm on Friday night and don't get to leave until 4:00pm on Sunday. You spend the whole time writing in a journal and listening to people cry.

Okay, so it wasn't all bad - but it was too corny for me. Because Brian and I had been dating for 4 years, we had already gone through a lot of this. Most of the couples we met had only been together for a year or two. I can see how it would have been helpful a year or two ago. What I really hated was that it felt like summer camp, sleeping in these little twin beds and sharing a bathroom between 20 women. I'm sure if we had brought binoculars we would have been able to see our apartment from where we were. It literally took us 8 minutes to get home.

So that's been my past month - and this next is going to be even more crazy with my company putting on it's annual forum. I'm looking forward to this coming Sunday, where I can finally relax!

1 comment:

  1. Brian looks so nice in his PhD outfit!
    Did you ride Aunt Karen's horse?

    Love the blog!

