Sorry this post is late; I came down with a cold about Monday night. I even missed Ash Wednesday because I was too sick to go anywhere. And Ash Wednesday is one of my favorites, even if I have to explain about 10 times to curious onlookers what that thing is on my forehead!
This year, for Lent, I decided to add something to my life instead of taking something away (besides meat on Fridays of course, which isn't really a huge trial for me since I probably only eat meat once or twice a week anyhow).
Anyway, every night before I go to bed I am reading from a daily missal. Unfortunately these cost about $50 on amazon, so I went for the next best thing - iMissal. That's right, my wonderful iPhone actually has an app that lets me read the Word every day of the week. Not only that, but it actually plays a recording of the readings as well! I highly recommend. Even Brian was impressed, and he hates my iPhone (jealousy!).
I've also been praying a lot more, formally anyway. Usually I just "talk" to God, but I've been using a more formal prayer to start off. I think it has helped me focus on what's good in my life.
So, what are YOU doing for Lent?
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